10 key attributes for success
"Successful people do what unsuccessful people are not willing to do. Don’t wish it were easier, wish it were better” - John Rohn
At any given time throughout the world there are millions of people striving for success.
A wonderful melting pot of different visions and dreams all with the common goal to achieve what they are setting out to do.
But what does it take to be a successful entrepreneur?
There are specific key attributes or qualities that are required to dramatically increase your chances of success. Some of these will be natural assets and others can be learnt and built upon.
I have worked with and spoken to hundreds of entrepreneurs over the years and like many others have read endless books and looked to learn from many of the truly successful out there to really see what it takes to be successful.
Interestingly the education and knowledge that you have alone without the attributes will not lead to success, equally you can have little or no education and can be extremely successful.
Why is that?
Successful people have the following attributes:
Being passionate about the endeavour that you are undertaking or about what to do is one of the most important aspects of success. When you are passionate about what you do it gives you the strength to drive what you are looking to do forwards despite what is in front of you. This also means that you enjoy it, and anyone who has achieved anything will tell you that you need that as there will be tough times. It also means that others will buy in to what you are doing, and as such increasing your circle of influence, No one great achieved anything on their own.
The persistence to stick at something past the amount of time the average person would. To keep going and moving forward despite at times things not going to plan or struggling. The unwavering will power to stick at at it until the end goal is reached and not take the easy route. To make sacrifices short term in favour of a longer term objective. To not let others knock you off track or a lack of resources be anything other than part of the journey to where you are heading.
The capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness. To keep going regardless. Regardless of the highs and lows of the inevitable roller coaster of entrepreneurial life.
To let go quickly of what hasn't or isn't working or what has gone wrong. Shake it off and focus on continuing moving forwards. And then keep doing what you are due or supposed to do to the level / quality it usually is not letting things slip. To crack on.
How you see the world impacts what you are able to notice, opportunities you see and also how you react. So your perception is the filter within which you operate. It is the way in which something is regarded, understood or interpreted.
To be successful you need to have the right ‘filter’ on the world around you. This is why those that are truly successful are working on themselves all the time to ensure that they let go of negative viewpoints or old mindsets or even just ways of looking at the world that no longer serve where they want to go. To be the best versions of themselves and open to growth.
This is also linked to mindset. You have to have a success mindset in order to achieve. This means you need to have the right attitude and temperament, realistic thinking, and the ability to change and improve.
Logical thinking plays a fundamental roll in success. This skill enables you to reason logically when approaching problem solving leading to rational decision making. A basic skill but one that not everyone has. Logic will also help you create great ideas and follow through with the thinking to bring that idea to life. Logic is also the process of developing a valid argument, reasoning, understanding, systems thinking and emotional intelligence. All key attributes for success and leadership
Now this attribute is the one that will drive success forwards. Getting things done, the truly successful are productive, get on with what they need to do and make the most or their time with the high majority of the successfully masters of their time. You’ve heard the saying we all have 24 hours in a day? Well this attribute means that you don’t mess about and get on with the task at hand, and that the right things get done when doing so.
Thinking creatively is a powerful tool, essentially it is the ability to consider something in a new way. One of the fundamental attributes for success. Whether that be from the angle of a new idea, when problem solving or when growing yourself, a business or a team. Creativity also covers communication skills and open mindedness, the ability to lead others and communicate an idea or thought and be open in how this is delivered.
Knowing who you are, how you function and interact with others. You are the most powerful tool you have and the better you know yourself the more powerful and successful you can become. We all have areas that we need to work on, all have areas that we are strong at or areas where we are weak. Whatever you are as a whole, knowing who you are leaves the ball in your court as to how to drive your life forwards.
It is also important to be aware of how we come across to others, our social awareness. The very successful are able to engage those around them with their idea and build their circle of influence. How do you interact with others? What is your leadership style? Is it conducive for success?
Sticking to something when you need to do it. Keeping and maintaining strong habits for success that help you to maintain being the very best version of yourself. Doing something even when that means you have to make short term sacrifices. Those who have strong self-discipline just get on with it. Think athletes and their mindset for training, an unwavering focus on what they are looking to achieve and the willingness to put in the daily practice to get them there.
People /relationship skills
This came up a few times in the above. You have to have very strong people skills in order to be successful, to get people to buy in to what you are doing and to pave your way through the many conversations that are part of your journey to success. This is also applicable for growing a team around you. Stoing negotiation skills and the ability to read the room are a huge advantage to success. Sometimes smart decisions need to be made off the cuff and the ability to be able to do so is a big win for success.
Takeaway Tips & Tools:
Think about where you are as a whole alongside the attributes above. What are your great at? What do you need to work on?
Continuously learn, read and soak up as much as you can.
Be clear on your ‘why’ your passion. It will drive you above all else.
Know yourself, a personality test can tell you a lot about the areas you need to work on in order to be successful.
Surround yourself with the sort of people who inspire you and help you up your game
To be successful you have to put the effort in. Nothing great comes easy.
Hold yourself accountable. Set goals, review how you are performing and strive to always be better.
Get your health and fitness in check, if it’s not you will just not be at your full potential.
Books to Read:
The Success Principles by Jack Canfield
The attributes: 25 hidden drivers of optimal performance by Rich Diviney
Your Success: Hidden Traits of Successful People & How You Can Become A Success Too by Angelos Sanders
THE 18 CHARACTERS Of HIGHLY SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE: Knowing The Hidden Secrets Of Building A Successful Career by Isabella Job
How can I help?
To be a successful entrepreneur you not only need a high proportion of the right attributes, but also a great entrepreneur coach to help you reach peak performance
Check out the Entrepreneur Coaching Package HERE
Got a question about this area and how my coaching can help? Book a discovery call HERE
“One of the differences between some successful and unsuccessful people is that one group is full of doers, while the other is full of wishers.”
- Edmond Mbiaka
About Sian Winfield
Sian has spent the last two and a half decades working with those that have made the choice to take action. From the fitness industry as a fitness professional to NLP coach and trainer working with Traders to attain peak performance in London City. Moving on to start her own company 7 years ago within which she has had the fortune of being involved with the successful growth and scaling of over 200 start-ups.
Empowering hundreds of entrepreneurs internationally coaching individually and through group programmes most recently including programmes such as Foundervine & Barclays Black Founder Accelerator Programme and mentoring for The Peter Jones Foundation.
Her experience has provided her with a huge wealth of experience in how others have attained their success and she is hungry to share her learning with as many people as possible.
Connecting with Sian
If you are interested in finding more about Sian and her coaching visit her website HERE
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