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Find Your Path to Personal and Professional Success with this debut book by Sian Winfield 

Growth Sian Winfield Growth Sian Winfield

Know yourself & others: the power of personality profiles

You are the filter within which you see the world and how you perform is the tool within which things get done. So it make sense that there is true power in understanding who you are.

A personality profile provides you with a platform to be able to explore your core personality.

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Growth Sian Winfield Growth Sian Winfield

Face your fear and grow

Fear, if given the opportunity will stop you from growing.

Fear will also appear in any given task or action that we need to take that really drives us forwards completely past our comfort zone and in to the new.

Read on to find out how to combat this

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Purpose Sian Winfield Purpose Sian Winfield

Ikigai & why it matters

In Japanese tradition, everyone has an Ikigai, a reason for living. A purpose that brings you to live life in flow with true meaning.

For some it can take many years to learn or develop what this, for others it is hard wired from the very start.

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