Prioritising well
The ability to know clearly what you need to do next based on a priority basis.
The understanding of the balance between multiple tasks and projects to produce the right work at the right time.
So what do we need to consider to do this?
Here’s a short guide below:
Understand your current goals.
Knowing what you need to accomplish top level down will give you a birds eye view of how everything that you need to do fits together. Having these to mind you can then know if you only have time for 5 tasks that day, which one if any can wait if needs be.
Track to do’s in smart tools.
Picking a suitable tool or project management tracker will help you keep on top of what you need to do within the timeframes needed. See more about managing your to do’s here.
Know your priorities.
Understanding what your priorities truly are will help you define the order of selection when faced with multiple tasks to do and to get the order within which you do these correct. So if you are clear that your priorities are top level projects for your clients, bringing money in and staying on top of managing your team then other tasks will take second place to this and not disturb the priority tasks you need to zero in on.
Adding in some tags to your project management tool or tracker can also help you to pick these out and see at glance.
Priority level: High
Priority level: medium
Priority level: low
The 80/20 rule.
The 80:20 rule of workload can be great to follow to keep on track. This means that 80 per cent of our work contributes less than 20 per cent of its value, so focus on the most important 20 per cent in order to complete the most crucial tasks.
This will increase your performance at work so the key tasks or projects are complete. This way you are also likely to be less frazzled when a random less important task hits your desk
Manage new daily tasks smartly.
When new tasks come in there are a few key questions that you can ask to decide where these sit:
How important is this task / where does it sit in your priority level?
When does this task need to be done by?
Does anything need to be done now around this?
Do you need to let anyone know now to prepare for when you need to action it?
Don’t get distracted.
Emails, phone calls/zoom or message alerts or other adhoc items should not be reacted to straight away. Find times of the day to work on emails, first thing and afternoon tend to hit the mark, actioning urgent and flagging others and then leave them. For phone calls or meetings be sure to ask what the call or meeting is about so that you can prioritise as to where this sits in your schedule. For scheduling get yourself a diary scheduling tool like calendly so that these are easily booked in on particular slots in the week to save jumping between calls and work without the need for all of the too and fro of organising them.
If you manage to prioritise well the majority of your week then you will increase your output and productivity by up to 30%. Really.
Like anything if you work on it and improve it, it will improve.
Create an awareness of how you are working and prioritising. Put a post it somewhere or a reminder to check in with yourself to keep you priority focus aware.
How do the very successfully get so much done and so much of the right stuff? They prioritise. Well.
How can I help?
I have carefully curated a time management coaching package that supports you to get to the top of your game when it comes to your time management with astounding results and up to 20-30% more productivity and time
Check out the Time Management Coaching Package HERE
Learn more by downloading my free ebook Smart time management for peak performance HERE
Got a question about this area and how my coaching can help? Book a discovery call HERE
About Sian Winfield
Sian has spent the last two and a half decades working with those that have made the choice to take action. From the fitness industry as a fitness professional to NLP coach and trainer working with Traders to attain peak performance in London City. Moving on to start her own company 7 years ago within which she has had the fortune of being involved with the successful growth and scaling of over 200 start-ups.
Empowering hundreds of entrepreneurs internationally coaching individually and through group programmes most recently including programmes such as Foundervine & Barclays Black Founder Accelerator Programme and mentoring for The Peter Jones Foundation.
Her experience has provided her with a huge wealth of experience in how others have attained their success and she is hungry to share her learning with as many people as possible.
Connecting with Sian
If you are interested in finding more about Sian and her coaching visit her website HERE
Connect on Linkedin and follow HERE