Take it to the next level!

Blogs that offer practical strategies actionable advice and expert tips to drive you forwards.

Take your shit
to the next level

New Book!

Find Your Path to Personal and Professional Success with this debut book by Sian Winfield 

Growth Sian Winfield Growth Sian Winfield

Thriving Under Pressure: Mastering Life’s Challenges

Whether you're pursuing personal ambitions or navigating professional challenges, the pressure can often feel overwhelming. But rather than just coping with these pressures, why not learn how to thrive under them?

This blog explores practical strategies for turning stress into strength, helping you excel even in the most demanding situations.

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MIndset Sian Winfield MIndset Sian Winfield

Boost Your Growth: Lessons from the World of Sports

Unlock your potential by applying proven sports strategies to your personal and professional growth. Athletes excel through mental conditioning, strategic planning, and resilience.

This blog reveals how sports principles like goal-setting and mental toughness can help you overcome challenges and reach your full potential.

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Growth Sian Winfield Growth Sian Winfield

Know yourself & others: the power of personality profiles

You are the filter within which you see the world and how you perform is the tool within which things get done. So it make sense that there is true power in understanding who you are.

A personality profile provides you with a platform to be able to explore your core personality.

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MIndset Sian Winfield MIndset Sian Winfield

10 key attributes for success

At any given time throughout the world there are millions of people striving for success.

To be successful there are specific key attributes or qualities that are required to dramatically increase your chances of success. Some of these will be natural assets and others can be learnt and built upon.

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Health Sian Winfield Health Sian Winfield

What I learnt from eating healthy for one year

Since my earlier career as a personal trainer and fitness expert in London City I have always been fascinated by peak performance. How diet and your fitness play a fundamental roll in your day to day performance and mindset.

Here’s what I learnt from eating healthy for one year

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Time Sian Winfield Time Sian Winfield

Time management: aligned actions

It is one thing having the time and getting things done, however what about the quality of the actions that we are taking. These need to be truly in line with several areas

You need to look at your: why, what and when of how you spend your time to align your actions to where you want to go

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Growth Sian Winfield Growth Sian Winfield

Face your fear and grow

Fear, if given the opportunity will stop you from growing.

Fear will also appear in any given task or action that we need to take that really drives us forwards completely past our comfort zone and in to the new.

Read on to find out how to combat this

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Purpose Sian Winfield Purpose Sian Winfield

Ikigai & why it matters

In Japanese tradition, everyone has an Ikigai, a reason for living. A purpose that brings you to live life in flow with true meaning.

For some it can take many years to learn or develop what this, for others it is hard wired from the very start.

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Time Sian Winfield Time Sian Winfield

Get organised

Being organised and working in a balanced and focussed way can help keep you on track. If you want to ensure that you are completing all that you should be personally or professionally on a daily, weekly or monthly basis there is no getting away from it. You need to be organised and on top of what you need to do.

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Time Sian Winfield Time Sian Winfield

Bin your do list

A long endless lists of tasks whether you write it down or slightly better have a word document or similar is a massively inefficient way to stay on top of what you need to do.. To truly be on top of what you need to do, you need to work smart. Much smarter

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Action Sian Winfield Action Sian Winfield

Get over procrastination

Often in the time we spend thinking about doing and not actually doing, we could have done the task 10 times over. The more action you take the more you want to as you start to feel like you are getting somewhere. But how do you get to that point?

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Growth Sian Winfield Growth Sian Winfield

Revive your life

It is easy to get stuck in a routine. To find yourself racing through your week but realising that something is off.

Here’s a simple way to revive your life or work and get yourself back on track.

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Time Sian Winfield Time Sian Winfield

Prioritising well

The understanding of the balance between multiple tasks and projects to produce the right work at the right time. Done correctly, can increase your output by 30%

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Action Sian Winfield Action Sian Winfield

Goal success mindset

Your subconscious mind doesn’t know the difference between something real or imagined, so this is a powerful tool you can use to focus on your gaols and achieve success.

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Action Sian Winfield Action Sian Winfield

Setting your goals

Once you are sure your goal is right for you, it is important to look at the goal itself, the tasks needed and also the work we need to do on ourselves to get there.

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Action Sian Winfield Action Sian Winfield

Are your goals yours?

As we go through life our goals can gets lost, or our understanding of what we really want to do seems to vanish as we keep going on the conveyor belt of what circumstances can sometimes place in front of us as what we are doing now.

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